Learn Serbian Verb Conjugation

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Guide to Serbian Verb Conjugation (Latin Script)
In Serbian, verbs change their form to express different tenses, moods, voices, numbers, and persons. This is called conjugation. Let's explore how this works.
Present Tense
The present tense is used to describe actions that are happening now or regularly. Serbian verbs in the present tense change according to the person (who is doing the action) and the number (singular or plural).
  • Ja učim srpski.
  • Oni jedu jabuke.
  • Ti igraš fudbal.
Important Points
  • First person singular: -m (učim)
  • Second person singular: -š (igraš)
  • Third person singular: - (jede)
  • First person plural: -mo (učimo)
  • Second person plural: -te (igrate)
  • Third person plural: -u (jedu)
Past Tense
The past tense is used to describe actions that have already happened. In Serbian, it consists of the past participle and the auxiliary verb 'to be' (biti) in the present tense.
  • Ja sam učio srpski.
  • Oni su jedi jabuke.
  • Ti si igrao fudbal.
Important Points
  • Masculine singular: -o (učio)
  • Feminine singular: -la (učila)
  • Neuter singular: -lo (učilo)
  • Masculine plural: -li (učili)
  • Feminine plural: -le (učile)
  • Neuter plural: -la (učila)
Future Tense
The future tense is used to talk about actions that will happen. It is formed with the auxiliary verb 'will' (ću, ćeš, će, etc.) and the infinitive of the main verb.
  • Ja ću učiti srpski.
  • Oni će jesti jabuke.
  • Ti ćeš igrati fudbal.
Imperative Mood
The imperative mood is used to give commands or make requests. In Serbian, it is formed by removing the infinitive ending and adding specific endings.
  • Uči srpski!
  • Jedite jabuke!
  • Igraj fudbal!
Important Points
  • Second person singular: -i (uči)
  • First person plural: -imo (učimo)
  • Second person plural: -ite (učite)