Learn Slovak Conditional Mood

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Understanding the Slovenčina Conditional Mood
The Conditional Mood in Slovenčina is used to talk about things that might happen or could have happened. It's like saying, 'If I had a magic wand, I would fly to the moon.' It helps us express wishes, possibilities, and hypothetical situations.
Important Points
  • Forming the Conditional Mood involves the auxiliary verb 'by' and the past participle of the main verb.
  • The auxiliary verb 'by' changes according to the subject (I, you, he/she, we, you all, they).
  • The past participle of the verb usually stays the same, but it can change to match the gender and number of the subject.
  • Ja by som šiel do kina, keby som mal čas.
  • Ona by chcela ísť na dovolenku, keby mala peniaze.
  • My by sme sa učili viac, keby sme mali viac času.
Let's break it down. The word 'by' is like a helper. It helps the main action word, or verb, to show that something could happen. For example, in 'Ja by som šiel,' 'by' is helping 'šiel' to show that I might go somewhere.
The helper word 'by' changes depending on who you're talking about. If you're talking about yourself, you say 'by som.' If you're talking about a friend, you say 'by si.' If you're talking about a group of people, you say 'by sme' or 'by ste.'
  • Ty by si mal jesť viac zeleniny.
  • Vy by ste mohli prísť na návštevu.
  • Oni by radi videli nový film.
The main verb doesn't change much, but it can change a little to match who you're talking about. For example, if you're talking about a girl, you might say 'šla' instead of 'šiel.'
  • Ona by šla do parku, keby nepršalo.
  • On by šiel do školy, keby bol zdravý.
  • Dievčatá by šli na výlet, keby mali auto.