Understanding the Dative Case in Slovenčina
The Dative Case is like giving something to someone. In Slovenčina, it helps us show who is receiving something or who is affected by an action. Let's explore how it works!
Important Points
- Used to indicate the indirect object of a sentence.
- Shows the recipient of an action or item.
- Often used with verbs of giving, showing, telling, or sending.
How to Form the Dative Case
In Slovenčina, nouns and adjectives change their endings to show the Dative Case. The endings depend on the gender and number of the noun.
Important Points
- Masculine nouns usually end in '-ovi' or '-u'.
- Feminine nouns often end in '-e' or '-i'.
- Neuter nouns typically end in '-u'.
- Dávam knihu bratovi.
- Píšem list mame.
- Posielam darček dieťaťu.
Common Verbs Used with the Dative Case
Important Points
- dávať (to give)
- posielať (to send)
- písať (to write)
- ukázať (to show)
- Ukazujem obrázok priateľovi.
- Dávaš kvet učiteľke.
- Posielam pozdrav rodičom.