Learn Slovak Masculine Gender

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Understanding the Masculine Gender in Slovenčina
In the Slovenian language, nouns are divided into three genders: masculine, feminine, and neuter. The masculine gender is used for male beings and certain objects and concepts.
Important Points
  • Masculine nouns represent male people or animals.
  • Some objects and abstract concepts are also masculine.
  • Masculine nouns often end in consonants like 'r', 'n', or 's'.
  • Otec je doma.
  • Pes beží po záhrade.
  • Stôl je hnedý.
In Slovenčina, adjectives and verbs must agree with the gender of the nouns they describe or relate to.
Important Points
  • Adjectives describing masculine nouns often end in '-ý' or '-í'.
  • Verbs in past tense change form according to masculine gender.
  • Veľký pes je na dvore.
  • Môj starý otec spí.
  • Včera prišiel do školy.
When using masculine nouns, remember to change articles and pronouns to match the gender.
  • Ten chlapec je šikovný.
  • muži sú silní.
  • Ten dom je nový.