Learn Slovak Modal Verbs

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Understanding Slovenčina Modal Verbs
Modal verbs in Slovenčina are special verbs that help us express abilities, possibilities, permissions, and obligations. They are like little helpers that change the meaning of the main verb in a sentence.
Important Points
  • môcť (can)
  • musieť (must)
  • smieť (may)
  • chcieť (want)
  • vedieť (know how)
Let's look at what each modal verb means and how we use them.
Môcť (Can)
We use 'môcť' to talk about what someone is able to do. It shows ability or possibility.
  • Môžem ísť von hrať sa.
  • On môže plávať veľmi dobre.
  • Oni môžu prísť zajtra.
Musieť (Must)
'Musieť' is used when something is necessary or obligatory. It's like saying you have to do something.
  • Musím ísť do školy.
  • Ona musí upratať izbu.
  • My musíme dokončiť úlohu.
Smieť (May)
'Smieť' is used to give or ask for permission. It's like asking if you are allowed to do something.
  • Smiem si vziať túto knihu?
  • On smie ísť von po večeri.
  • Deti smiu hrať sa na dvore.
Chcieť (Want)
We use 'chcieť' to express a wish or desire to do something. It's like saying you want something.
  • Chcem zmrzlinu.
  • Ona chce ísť na výlet.
  • My chceme pozerať film.
Vedieť (Know How)
'Vedieť' is used to show that someone knows how to do something. It indicates a learned ability.
  • Viem plávať.
  • On vie variť.
  • Oni vedia spievať.
Remember, modal verbs are very important because they help us express different meanings and intentions in our sentences.