Learn Slovak Negation

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Understanding Negation in Slovenčina
Negation is how we say 'no' or 'not' in Slovenčina. It's a way to change a sentence to mean the opposite. For example, if you want to say you do not like apples, you use negation.
Important Points
  • Negation usually involves adding the word 'nie' before the verb.
  • Sometimes, negation can change the form of the verb slightly.
  • Negation can be used in different types of sentences, like statements and questions.
  • There are special words that are used only in negative sentences, like 'nikto' (nobody) and 'nič' (nothing).
Let's explore how to use negation in different sentences. When you want to say you don't have something, or you don't do something, you use 'nie' before the verb. This is similar to how in English we use 'do not' or 'does not'.
  • Nie mám rád jablká. (I do not like apples.)
  • Nie viem plávať. (I do not know how to swim.)
  • Nie je doma. (He/She is not at home.)
In questions, negation can also be used to ask if something is not true. This can be a little tricky, but with practice, it becomes easy.
  • Prečo nie spíš? (Why are you not sleeping?)
  • Nemáš nič na práci? (Do you have nothing to do?)