Learn Slovak Nominative Case

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Understanding the Nominative Case in Slovenčina
The nominative case is like a superhero in the world of grammar. It tells us who or what is doing the action in a sentence. In Slovenčina, the nominative case helps us know the subject of the sentence.
In Slovenčina, nouns, pronouns, and adjectives change their endings based on the case they are in. The nominative case is used for the subject of the sentence, which means it tells us who is doing something or what is being described.
Important Points
  • The subject of a sentence: The main person or thing doing the action.
  • Naming things: When you say what something is.
  • Adjectives: They describe the subject and also use the nominative case.
  • Chlapec beží. (The boy runs.)
  • Mačka spí. (The cat sleeps.)
  • To je dom. (This is a house.)
In these examples, 'chlapec', 'mačka', and 'dom' are in the nominative case because they are the subjects of the sentences. They are the ones doing the action or being described.
  • Pes šteká. (The dog barks.)
  • Dievča číta knihu. (The girl reads a book.)
  • To je auto. (This is a car.)
Remember, the nominative case is like the name tag for the subject. It shows us who is doing something or what something is. Just like a name tag tells us who someone is, the nominative case tells us the subject of the sentence.