Learn Slovenian Dative Case

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Understanding the Dative Case in Slovenian
In Slovenian, the Dative Case is used to show the indirect object of a sentence. It's like giving something to someone or doing something for someone. The Dative Case tells us 'to whom' or 'for whom' something is done.
Important Points
  • Used to indicate the indirect object of a verb.
  • Shows the recipient of an action or object.
  • Can express purpose or intention.
  • Used with certain prepositions.
Forming the Dative Case
In Slovenian, nouns, pronouns, and adjectives change their endings in the Dative Case. The endings depend on the gender (masculine, feminine, neuter) and number (singular, plural) of the noun.
Important Points
  • Masculine singular nouns often end in '-u' or '-ju'.
  • Feminine singular nouns often end in '-i'.
  • Neuter singular nouns often end in '-u'.
  • For plural nouns, endings vary more but often include '-om' or '-em'.
Examples of the Dative Case
  • Jaz dam knjigo bratu. (I give the book to my brother.)
  • Pišem pismo prijateljici. (I am writing a letter to my friend.)
  • Naredil sem torto otroku. (I made a cake for the child.)
Prepositions Used with the Dative Case
Some prepositions in Slovenian are followed by the Dative Case. These prepositions help show direction towards someone or something or can indicate purpose.
Important Points
  • k/h (to/towards)
  • proti (towards/against)
  • kljub (despite)
  • Grem k zdravniku. (I am going to the doctor.)
  • Hodimo proti šoli. (We are walking towards the school.)
  • Delam kljub težavam. (I work despite the difficulties.)