Learn Slovenian Plural Number

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Understanding Plural Numbers in Slovenian
In Slovenian, just like in English, we use plural numbers when we talk about more than one of something. But Slovenian has some special rules that make it a little different. Let's explore how to use plural numbers in Slovenian!
Important Points
  • Slovenian has three numbers: singular, dual, and plural.
  • Singular is for one item, dual is for two items, and plural is for three or more items.
  • Plural forms can change based on the gender of the noun: masculine, feminine, or neuter.
  • The endings of words change to show if they are singular, dual, or plural.
When you have three or more of something, you use the plural form. The endings of the words change depending on whether the noun is masculine, feminine, or neuter. Let's look at some examples!
  • One boy is 'fant', two boys are 'fanta', and three or more boys are 'fantje'.
  • One girl is 'deklica', two girls are 'deklici', and three or more girls are 'deklice'.
  • One apple is 'jabolko', two apples are 'jabolki', and three or more apples are 'jabolka'.
As you can see, the endings '-je', '-ce', and '-ka' are used for plural nouns. It's important to remember these endings because they help you know when you're talking about more than two of something.