Learn Spanish Indirect Object Pronouns

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Guide to Español Indirect Object Pronouns
Indirect Object Pronouns in Spanish are words that tell us to whom or for whom the action of the verb is done. They help us avoid repeating the same noun over and over.
Important Points
  • me - to me/for me
  • te - to you/for you (informal)
  • le - to him, to her, to you (formal)
  • nos - to us/for us
  • os - to you all/for you all (informal in Spain)
  • les - to them, to you all (formal)
In a sentence, the indirect object pronoun usually comes before the conjugated verb. If there is an infinitive or a gerund, it can also be attached to the end of these forms.
  • Me dio un regalo. (He gave a gift to me.)
  • Te escribí una carta. (I wrote a letter to you.)
  • Ella les contó una historia. (She told them a story.)
Sometimes, 'le' and 'les' can be used with a noun to clarify or emphasize to whom the action is directed. In these cases, 'a' is used before the noun.
  • Le di el libro a María. (I gave the book to María.)
  • Nos les enseñó a los estudiantes. (He taught the students.)
Indirect Object Pronouns are important for making sentences smoother and avoiding repetition. They help you sound more natural when speaking Spanish.
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