Learn Spanish Reflexive Pronouns

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Understanding Reflexive Pronouns in Español
In Español, reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a verb are the same person or thing. This means that the action of the verb is being performed on the subject itself.
Important Points
  • Me: Used for 'I/myself'.
  • Te: Used for 'you/yourself' (informal).
  • Se: Used for 'he/himself', 'she/herself', 'itself', 'they/themselves', and 'you/yourself' (formal).
  • Nos: Used for 'we/ourselves'.
  • Os: Used for 'you/yourselves' (informal plural).
Reflexive pronouns are placed before a conjugated verb or attached to the end of an infinitive verb. They help to show that the subject is doing something to itself.
  • Yo me lavo las manos.
  • te peinas el cabello.
  • Él se viste para la escuela.
Reflexive verbs often have a special meaning or are used in specific contexts. For example, 'lavarse' means 'to wash oneself', which is different from 'lavar', meaning 'to wash' something else.
  • Nosotros nos despertamos temprano.
  • Ellos se divierten en la fiesta.
  • Vosotros os acostáis tarde.
When learning reflexive pronouns, it's helpful to practice with different verbs and subjects to see how the pronouns change and fit into sentences.
  • Yo me siento feliz.
  • Ella se cepilla los dientes.
  • Nosotros nos miramos en el espejo.
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