Learn Swedish Modal Verbs

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Introduction to Swedish Modal Verbs
Modal verbs are special words in the Swedish language that help us talk about things like ability, possibility, permission, and necessity. They are very useful and are used with other verbs to change their meaning.
Important Points
  • Can (kan)
  • Will (ska)
  • Must (måste)
  • May (får)
  • Should (bör)
  • Want (vill)
How Modal Verbs Work
In Swedish, modal verbs are used with the base form of another verb. They do not change according to the subject, which means they stay the same no matter who is doing the action.
Using 'Can' (kan)
The modal verb 'kan' is used when you want to say that someone is able to do something. It's like saying 'can' in English.
  • Jag kan simma.
  • Hon kan läsa.
  • De kan spela piano.
Using 'Will' (ska)
The modal verb 'ska' is used when you want to talk about something that will happen in the future. It's like saying 'will' in English.
  • Vi ska åka till stranden.
  • Han ska äta middag.
  • De ska gå till skolan.
Using 'Must' (måste)
The modal verb 'måste' is used when you want to say that something is necessary or that someone has to do something. It's like saying 'must' in English.
  • Du måste göra dina läxor.
  • Vi måste gå nu.
  • Hon måste sova tidigt.
Using 'May' (får)
The modal verb 'får' is used when you want to give or ask for permission. It's like saying 'may' in English.
  • Får jag ut?
  • Du får inte röra det.
  • Vi får stanna uppe sent.
Using 'Should' (bör)
The modal verb 'bör' is used when you want to give advice or say what is a good idea to do. It's like saying 'should' in English.
  • Du bör äta mer grönsaker.
  • Han bör träna mer.
  • Vi bör vara snälla mot varandra.
Using 'Want' (vill)
The modal verb 'vill' is used when you want to express a desire or wish. It's like saying 'want' in English.
  • Jag vill ha glass.
  • Hon vill gå hem.
  • Vi vill leka nu.