Learn Turkish Pronouns - Relative

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Understanding Türkçe Relative Pronouns
Relative pronouns in Türkçe are used to connect clauses or sentences. They help us add more information about a noun without starting a new sentence. Think of them as little bridges that help our sentences flow better.
Important Points
  • The main relative pronoun in Türkçe is 'ki'.
  • 'Ki' is used to add extra information about a noun.
  • 'Kim' and 'ne' can also be used in certain contexts.
Using 'ki' in Sentences
'Ki' is like a magic word that connects parts of a sentence. It tells us more about something or someone.
  • Bu, ki benim en sevdiğim kitaptır.
  • O çocuk, ki çok çalışkan, sınıf birincisi oldu.
  • O ev, ki bizim yazlık evimizdir, deniz kenarında.
Other Relative Pronouns: 'Kim' and 'Ne'
'Kim' and 'ne' are also used in Türkçe to ask questions or refer to people and things in certain contexts.
  • Kim geliyor?
  • Ne yapıyorsun?