Learn Ukrainian Conjunctions

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Understanding Ukrainian Conjunctions
Conjunctions are words that help us connect other words, phrases, or sentences together. They are like little bridges in a sentence that help us make sense of what we are saying.
Types of Ukrainian Conjunctions
Important Points
  • Coordinating Conjunctions: These join words or groups of words that are equal in importance.
  • Subordinating Conjunctions: These join a dependent clause to an independent clause.
  • Correlative Conjunctions: These work in pairs to join equal elements.
Coordinating Conjunctions
In Ukrainian, coordinating conjunctions include words like 'і' (and), 'але' (but), and 'або' (or). They help us connect similar parts of a sentence.
  • Я люблю яблука і банани.
  • Він хотів піти, але було пізно.
  • Ти хочеш чай або каву?
Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions help connect a main idea with a less important idea. Some examples are 'що' (that), 'коли' (when), and 'тому що' (because).
  • Я знаю, що ти любиш читати.
  • Коли я прийшов, він вже спав.
  • Вона плаче, тому що їй сумно.
Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions are pairs of words that work together. In Ukrainian, examples include 'не тільки... але й' (not only... but also) and 'або... або' (either... or).
  • Не тільки мама, але й тато прийшли.
  • Він хоче або піцу, або пасту.