Learn Ukrainian Prepositions

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Understanding Ukrainian Prepositions
Prepositions in Ukrainian are words that help us connect different parts of a sentence. They show us the relationship between things, like where something is or when something happens. Just like in English, prepositions in Ukrainian are small but mighty words!
Important Points
  • Location: Prepositions can tell us where something is.
  • Time: Prepositions can tell us when something happens.
  • Direction: Prepositions can show us the direction of movement.
  • Purpose: Prepositions can explain why something is happening.
Common Ukrainian Prepositions
Important Points
  • в (in) - Used to show location or time.
  • на (on) - Used for surfaces or time.
  • під (under) - Shows something is below.
  • над (above) - Shows something is higher.
  • біля (near) - Shows closeness.
  • з (with) - Shows togetherness or accompaniment.
  • до (to) - Shows direction or purpose.
  • від (from) - Shows origin or starting point.
Using Prepositions for Location
When we want to say where something is, we use prepositions. For example, if a cat is sitting on a chair, we use the preposition 'на' to show this.
  • Кіт сидить на стільці.
  • Книга в рюкзаку.
  • Дерево біля будинку.
Using Prepositions for Time
Prepositions help us talk about time. They can tell us when something happens, like 'in the morning' or 'at night'.
  • Ми зустрінемося вранці.
  • Зустріч навечір.
  • Вони приїдуть до обіду.
Using Prepositions for Direction
When we want to show where something is going, we use prepositions for direction. For example, if you are walking to school, you use the preposition 'до'.
  • Я йду до школи.
  • Птах летить над містом.
  • Він повернувся з роботи.